Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Plagiarism in Universities

Plagiarism article in New York Times

The article talks about how college students and kids all ages think it is ok to copy and paste information from the Internet, also known as plagiarize. In the article they give stories about kids who will take little parts of something and not cite it, like they are supposed to. Many universities are catching more and more kids everyday with plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a big problem in our society today. Many people still continue to do it, even though they know it is wrong. I think half the time people don’t even realize they are plagiarizing. Taking a definition from a dictionary online or just a dictionary and not siting it, is still plagiarizing, which is something I never knew. I always thought taking a definition wasn’t bad, because it’s the meaning of a word, and I thought everyone had a right to that. Plagiarism is getting many people in trouble nowadays and we have to do something to stop it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including the link to the article. You needed to include a graphic or video in this post and have a catchy title.
    If information is already known by everyone or it is a fact (e.g. John Strelecky is the author of the book "Life Safari"), you don't have to cite the source. This goes for dictionary definitions.
    Watch your grammar and mechanics. You made lots of errors, most of which are not using a comma after an introductory clause or putting commas in when they shouldn't go in....Many people still continue to do it even though they know it is wrong. Nowadays is one word. Don't capitalize the word university unless it is a part of a name (Florida Gulf Coast University), kids and not kid's...
