Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For Those Who Served

Veterans Day is something my family has always celebrated. Both my grandpas have been in the military and now currently my brother is. The following two posters both put an impact towards me. On the first one, it is structuring around the United States itself.  It has brighter colors and just seems like a happy image. The main focus is on the flag blowing strong through the wind. With the light shining through the flag, I feel like they are trying to say how strong we are as a nation and the veterans have helped us with that.
The second poster is more dark. It makes me more sad thinking about everyone we have lost in the military. It still has a big impact on me tho. With the footprint being the main focused, centered in the pictured, I feel like it is trying to show us that all the veterans have made an impact on our lives, fighting for us and our country. 
If you had to ask me which one I think is better, I dont know if I could answer that. They both are good posters, One is just more happy then the other. If I wanted to thank all of our veterans for fighting for us, I would choose the first one; however, if I wanted to remember all of the veterans we have lost, I would choose the second. 

Taken from

Monday, October 17, 2011

For my midterm reflection, I decided I would work with I didn't necessarily remember working with this particular technology tool, but I figured it wouldn't be too hard to figure out. I thought it would be the easiest out of the rest of the technology tools; however, I ended up getting booted out a few times. It ended up taking me much longer then I expected! Besides the few boot offs, slide rocket was a good tool to use. It reminds me of PowerPoint, with more indebt things to use on it. 
If I were to redo this project, I would probably do only two things differently. One of them would to have done it earlier. That way if I continued to get booted off, I would of still had plenty of time to complete the project. The second thing I would have done differently, would be to use one of the technology tools that I already knew how to use. It took extra time to sign up for slide rocket, and I could have used that time more with my project. 

Midterm Reflection Part ll

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Variety of Old

     When your young and living your life to the fullest, everyone has their own unique look. Their is something about themselves that is just them. As you grow older you begin to form the common elderly look- white hair, wrinkles, and and a lot of cases, glasses. As you get older you begin to dwell on your past. That is why you always hear, "when I was your age." Elderly people tend to act in a simular order; however, there are always the few cases out there.
     In the first picture above, she has the common 'elderly look,' without the glasses, but there is so much more to the picture. She seems as if she is in a mixture of emotions. Her lips look like she wants to smile on the wonderful past she withheld, but her eyes seem as if she only wants to cry. To me she seems as if she has been smoking her whole life: People who tend to smoke, are more wrinkly then others when they progress with age. 
     The second picture I have, once again, the elderly lady has 'the look.' In this picture, however, she seems a lot more happy. I almost feel as if she is stuck in her teenage rock'n'roll years, still sporting the rock signal. She is happy, looking back on all the fun times she had in the rock'n'roll ages. Not only does she have the elderly look, but the wall paper in the back is also an elderly attribute. It reminds me of something my grandmother would have in her house. 
     As I said before, there is a 'elderly look,' but behind that look is so much more. Elderly people are the same as they were when they were young. The only thing that has changed is their apparence. They look different, they dress different, and they move different. At heart, elderly are the same.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Party Rocking in Detroit

The following is a comparison-contrast of two commercials: a Chrysler commercial and a Kia commercial. In the Chrysler commercial, they use Eminem and this popular music to help promote the car. Eminem is from Detroit, and Chrysler is manufactured in Detroit; so, he was the perfect candidate for the job. At the end of the commercial, Eminem is driving out of the city with his car and label showing.
There are many dark images in the Chrysler commercial. As the commercial goes on, it shows images of Detroit and where the car was originally made. I think this is what makes this commercial so unique. It has some profound locations in the commercial.

In the Kia commercial, they use cute chipmunks to draw attention. Also like the Chrysler commercial, they have a popular song in their commercial, Party Rockin'. They take something popular, like that song, and put it with their product to get people to want their product more. Also, like the Chrysler commercial, at the end of the Kia commercial, the Kia car is driving away from the camera with their label showing.
The chipmunks show bright colors to enlighten the commercial. So unlike the Chrysler commercials, which is dark, this one is bright. It doesn't give a lot of detail about the car as much as the entertainment.