Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For Those Who Served

Veterans Day is something my family has always celebrated. Both my grandpas have been in the military and now currently my brother is. The following two posters both put an impact towards me. On the first one, it is structuring around the United States itself.  It has brighter colors and just seems like a happy image. The main focus is on the flag blowing strong through the wind. With the light shining through the flag, I feel like they are trying to say how strong we are as a nation and the veterans have helped us with that.
The second poster is more dark. It makes me more sad thinking about everyone we have lost in the military. It still has a big impact on me tho. With the footprint being the main focused, centered in the pictured, I feel like it is trying to show us that all the veterans have made an impact on our lives, fighting for us and our country. 
If you had to ask me which one I think is better, I dont know if I could answer that. They both are good posters, One is just more happy then the other. If I wanted to thank all of our veterans for fighting for us, I would choose the first one; however, if I wanted to remember all of the veterans we have lost, I would choose the second. 

Taken from

1 comment:

  1. Nice evaluation of the posters, Mal, but I needed you to take a stand and support your point of view with reasons.
