Monday, November 21, 2011

An Act of Crime

From Google Dictionary Online rape is the force (another person) to have sexual intercourse with him or her, by the threat or use of violence against them. Sexual assault is a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat. According to Campus Health and Safety acquaintance rape is the most comment crime on college campus's. 1.7% of college women experience a complete rape and 1.1% have been in a attempted rape. 5% of college women may be victimized annually and 25% of college women could possibly be a victim by the end of their college years. Some ways to prevent this is to have a safe campus, with things such as surveillance cameras, frequent lighting through out campus, and call boxes. Students can attend alcohol and other drug prevention groups, sexual assault prevention groups, and defense classes. 

I think the statistics above are absolutely horrible to even think of. 25% is one out of every four girls; therefore, one girl in ever 2 dorms has the chance to be involved in some type of sexual assault before college is over. That is actually really scary to me. Every person thinks, "oh it wont happen to me," but in all reality, you never know. It could happen to anyone. I bet the girls that have been involved in this crime have thought that exact same thing. It is just horrible to think about. Especially on a college campus; kids go out and drink and the next things they know they are waking up and not remembering anything that has happened. Also, while I was reading the article, I noticed they were only mentioning women; however, men can also be raped and sexual assaulted, it is just not as common. It makes me feel a little bit comfortable know that FGCU has surveillance cameras, frequent lighting in walking paths, and call boxes for emergencies. FGCU also does have defense classes and I think they also have drug prevention and assault prevention, but i am not 100% sure. I just think it is a horrible thing, and something that I wish i could prevent all together.  


  1. Nice job on your summary and response on the topic of rape and sexual assault. Please make sure and proofread your work for errors in grammar and mechanics (I not i; Every person thinks, "Oh it won't happen to me; ....sexually assaulted; it is just not as common).

  2. I completely agree with your response to sexual assault and rape. I wrote my blog on the same topic. It is a very serious topic that everyone needs to be aware of.
