Monday, November 28, 2011

Big Five For Life


I read Life Safari by John P. Strelecky over the summer before school began. It wasn't my favorite book, however, I also didn't mind reading it that much. I have many things I want to do in life. If I had to come up with my own big five for life I think it would be difficult to narrow my list down to only five things. My big five for life would come down to the following; Travel to every continent, have a husband and start a family, work on a mission trip as a nurse anesthetist, go bungie jumping and sky
diving, and also meet up with my foreign exchange student again that I had when I
was a junior in high school. If all five of these things would be complete when it is my time to go, I would personally consider my life a successful life. I lived life how I wanted to, and I accomplished some major things that I have always wanted to complete. Of course, everyones perspectives on life change throughout their life. As of right now, I really don't see my big five changing; however, I dont know, because I don't now what life holds ahead for me. There could be some big life changing occurrences that happen in my life, and the next thing I know, it could all change. As of right now, these are my big fives for life, and I currently dont see it changing anytime soon.


  1. Terrific job on incorporating visuals to this post on your Big Five. I wish you the best in reaching those goals. Proofread your work for errors in mechanics.

  2. I love your big five for life! I have always wanted to go skydiving! I hope you accomplish your big five because it sounds like you can do good for the world by going on a mission trip.
