Monday, November 14, 2011

It Doesn't Always End Here

In the above ad, it demonstrates cause and effect. The cause is doing drugs, and the effect is living out on the streets. It says in the above photo, the "it doesn't always end here." In the lower photo, it says "but it does often start here." It is trying to say that one reason people are living on the streets, is because drugs have influenced their life. The relationship between the pictorial elements and the written material has a dramatic effect in the poster. Without the words, I dont think the poster would be complete. The backgrounds in the pictures also play a important role in the poster. In the lower picture, you can tell the guy is outside, doing things he shouldn't be doing. In the upper picture, it is obvious that he is living out on the streets, and the words make it clear that the reason was because of drugs.
I think this poster is very influential. Nobody wants to live out on the streets. This poster demonstrates how living on the streets could be an affect from using drugs and doing things you shouldn't be. The above picture does not look very appealing to me or most likely any other person. When seeing this poster, it makes not want to live on the streets and because using drugs was a cause of that, I do not want to use drugs.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis, Mal. Watch the difference between affect (verb) and effect (noun).
