Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Facebook- Dangerous or Not?

In a recent article I read, Five Hidden Dangers of Facebook by CBS news, really opened my eyes to the dangers of Facebook. In the article, it discussed five dangers not many people know about that occur on Facebook. They take about your information, privacy settings, Facebook ads, your friends, and scams. On Facebook your information is being scared with other third parties without you knowing; your private conversations can somehow be send to other people. Every time Facebook redesigns their page, which is quite often, the privacy settings lower and lower to a less safe privacy. They have ads on their page with malware, which can be extremely dangerous to your computer. If your friends Facebook gets hacked, he or she will send you virus's; however, it is not really them, its the virus that hacked them. And lastly, weird people can make fake Facebook's. There was a study done last year that concluded 40% of Facebook's are fake.
I agree with a lot of things they said in this article. Facebook is a dangerous website and I believe a lot of people already know that; but, most people are not aware on how dangerous Facebook can be. I personally don't think Facebook is dangerous if you use many precautions. For example, when CBS talks about "fake" Facebook's; Yes, there are people out there that make up Facebook's, but if you dont know the peson, DO NOT add them. I do not add anyone on Facebook unless I know them personally or have talked to them personally. I dont want creeps on my Facebook that I don't even know. Also, I dont put any personally information on my Facebook. There is an area where you are supposed to put your phone number and email, I don have any of that. That is another way you are just asking for people to creep on you. Because Facebook is not complete privacy safe, I don't include that stuff. I believe Facebook is a great site to connect with old friends; however, you have know be safe about it. Do add people you dont know or put personally information on it.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post and that video is something I will use when I do that essay again by Brad Stone "Web of Risks". Thanks for taking the time to find the video.
