Monday, November 28, 2011

Big Five For Life


I read Life Safari by John P. Strelecky over the summer before school began. It wasn't my favorite book, however, I also didn't mind reading it that much. I have many things I want to do in life. If I had to come up with my own big five for life I think it would be difficult to narrow my list down to only five things. My big five for life would come down to the following; Travel to every continent, have a husband and start a family, work on a mission trip as a nurse anesthetist, go bungie jumping and sky
diving, and also meet up with my foreign exchange student again that I had when I
was a junior in high school. If all five of these things would be complete when it is my time to go, I would personally consider my life a successful life. I lived life how I wanted to, and I accomplished some major things that I have always wanted to complete. Of course, everyones perspectives on life change throughout their life. As of right now, I really don't see my big five changing; however, I dont know, because I don't now what life holds ahead for me. There could be some big life changing occurrences that happen in my life, and the next thing I know, it could all change. As of right now, these are my big fives for life, and I currently dont see it changing anytime soon.

Monday, November 21, 2011

An Act of Crime

From Google Dictionary Online rape is the force (another person) to have sexual intercourse with him or her, by the threat or use of violence against them. Sexual assault is a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat. According to Campus Health and Safety acquaintance rape is the most comment crime on college campus's. 1.7% of college women experience a complete rape and 1.1% have been in a attempted rape. 5% of college women may be victimized annually and 25% of college women could possibly be a victim by the end of their college years. Some ways to prevent this is to have a safe campus, with things such as surveillance cameras, frequent lighting through out campus, and call boxes. Students can attend alcohol and other drug prevention groups, sexual assault prevention groups, and defense classes. 

I think the statistics above are absolutely horrible to even think of. 25% is one out of every four girls; therefore, one girl in ever 2 dorms has the chance to be involved in some type of sexual assault before college is over. That is actually really scary to me. Every person thinks, "oh it wont happen to me," but in all reality, you never know. It could happen to anyone. I bet the girls that have been involved in this crime have thought that exact same thing. It is just horrible to think about. Especially on a college campus; kids go out and drink and the next things they know they are waking up and not remembering anything that has happened. Also, while I was reading the article, I noticed they were only mentioning women; however, men can also be raped and sexual assaulted, it is just not as common. It makes me feel a little bit comfortable know that FGCU has surveillance cameras, frequent lighting in walking paths, and call boxes for emergencies. FGCU also does have defense classes and I think they also have drug prevention and assault prevention, but i am not 100% sure. I just think it is a horrible thing, and something that I wish i could prevent all together.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Facebook- Dangerous or Not?

In a recent article I read, Five Hidden Dangers of Facebook by CBS news, really opened my eyes to the dangers of Facebook. In the article, it discussed five dangers not many people know about that occur on Facebook. They take about your information, privacy settings, Facebook ads, your friends, and scams. On Facebook your information is being scared with other third parties without you knowing; your private conversations can somehow be send to other people. Every time Facebook redesigns their page, which is quite often, the privacy settings lower and lower to a less safe privacy. They have ads on their page with malware, which can be extremely dangerous to your computer. If your friends Facebook gets hacked, he or she will send you virus's; however, it is not really them, its the virus that hacked them. And lastly, weird people can make fake Facebook's. There was a study done last year that concluded 40% of Facebook's are fake.
I agree with a lot of things they said in this article. Facebook is a dangerous website and I believe a lot of people already know that; but, most people are not aware on how dangerous Facebook can be. I personally don't think Facebook is dangerous if you use many precautions. For example, when CBS talks about "fake" Facebook's; Yes, there are people out there that make up Facebook's, but if you dont know the peson, DO NOT add them. I do not add anyone on Facebook unless I know them personally or have talked to them personally. I dont want creeps on my Facebook that I don't even know. Also, I dont put any personally information on my Facebook. There is an area where you are supposed to put your phone number and email, I don have any of that. That is another way you are just asking for people to creep on you. Because Facebook is not complete privacy safe, I don't include that stuff. I believe Facebook is a great site to connect with old friends; however, you have know be safe about it. Do add people you dont know or put personally information on it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

It Doesn't Always End Here

In the above ad, it demonstrates cause and effect. The cause is doing drugs, and the effect is living out on the streets. It says in the above photo, the "it doesn't always end here." In the lower photo, it says "but it does often start here." It is trying to say that one reason people are living on the streets, is because drugs have influenced their life. The relationship between the pictorial elements and the written material has a dramatic effect in the poster. Without the words, I dont think the poster would be complete. The backgrounds in the pictures also play a important role in the poster. In the lower picture, you can tell the guy is outside, doing things he shouldn't be doing. In the upper picture, it is obvious that he is living out on the streets, and the words make it clear that the reason was because of drugs.
I think this poster is very influential. Nobody wants to live out on the streets. This poster demonstrates how living on the streets could be an affect from using drugs and doing things you shouldn't be. The above picture does not look very appealing to me or most likely any other person. When seeing this poster, it makes not want to live on the streets and because using drugs was a cause of that, I do not want to use drugs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Life in a Males View

I thought Why Men Don't Talk To Women was actually a funny video. Do I think thats how it really is? I do not, at all; however, I still enjoyed the video. You can tell in this video that the creator was, of course, a male. I think he was trying to interpret that all women are gold diggers, looking for the money in the male and not the personality or anything else. Do I think that statement is true? I do not! Women enjoy causal conversation and they love compliments. So, saying us women are going to stab you and kill you when you tell us you like our shoes, is defiantly a false statement. Every female likes shoes, its a way to our heart! 
Now, if this male figure was talking to the same girl continuously, I could see where the anger and yelling would come from. No girl likes when men nag and nag repeatedly when we already obviously put the cold shoulder. There is always a point where it needs to stop. In this video, the creator makes all women out to be conceded, rude people, and that is not how we are!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For Those Who Served

Veterans Day is something my family has always celebrated. Both my grandpas have been in the military and now currently my brother is. The following two posters both put an impact towards me. On the first one, it is structuring around the United States itself.  It has brighter colors and just seems like a happy image. The main focus is on the flag blowing strong through the wind. With the light shining through the flag, I feel like they are trying to say how strong we are as a nation and the veterans have helped us with that.
The second poster is more dark. It makes me more sad thinking about everyone we have lost in the military. It still has a big impact on me tho. With the footprint being the main focused, centered in the pictured, I feel like it is trying to show us that all the veterans have made an impact on our lives, fighting for us and our country. 
If you had to ask me which one I think is better, I dont know if I could answer that. They both are good posters, One is just more happy then the other. If I wanted to thank all of our veterans for fighting for us, I would choose the first one; however, if I wanted to remember all of the veterans we have lost, I would choose the second. 

Taken from

Monday, October 17, 2011

For my midterm reflection, I decided I would work with I didn't necessarily remember working with this particular technology tool, but I figured it wouldn't be too hard to figure out. I thought it would be the easiest out of the rest of the technology tools; however, I ended up getting booted out a few times. It ended up taking me much longer then I expected! Besides the few boot offs, slide rocket was a good tool to use. It reminds me of PowerPoint, with more indebt things to use on it. 
If I were to redo this project, I would probably do only two things differently. One of them would to have done it earlier. That way if I continued to get booted off, I would of still had plenty of time to complete the project. The second thing I would have done differently, would be to use one of the technology tools that I already knew how to use. It took extra time to sign up for slide rocket, and I could have used that time more with my project. 

Midterm Reflection Part ll